
Top 6 Frequently Asked Questions for Home Seller

Top 6 Frequently Asked Questions for Home Seller

Top 6 Frequently Asked Questions for Home Seller

  1. Do I need a real estate agent?

Selling your first home is stressful enough. There is no need to add the stress of not having a real estate agent, too. Not only will your real estate agent have industry knowledge and savvy but, they will advocate for your needs.

  1. How do I know what my home is worth?

You may have a selling price in mind before you decide to list your home. When you first buy a home, you often invest a lot of time and money into making it all that you want it to be. While you may know what you would like to get for your home, a real estate agent can help you determine a realistic selling price. With a comparative market analysis, your real estate agent can find out what prices similar area homes recently have sold for. Then, you can decide on a reasonable asking price for your home.

  1. How long will the home sale process take?

It is impossible to give you an exact answer to this question. By looking at similar area homes that have recently sold and understanding current market conditions, a real estate agent can give you insight into how long a typical home like yours may take to sell. They also should be able to provide you with advice on how to make your home more marketable.

  1. What do I need to do to prepare my home for sale?

You may already know that you should clean and declutter your home before listing it. You also should remove any abundance of personal photos, so prospective buyers have an easier time envisioning themselves in your home. Professional staging may not be a must, but you will want to make sure that you are properly utilizing your space.

Remember that what you do on the inside, you also should do on the outside. Make sure that your lawn is in top condition and that you’ve got curb appeal.

  1. How do I negotiate offers on my home?

Stay level-headed throughout the process. This is business, simple as that.  Rational thinking and negotiation skill are what it’s all about.

  • Look for “clean” offers that are simple and straightforward.
  • Negotiate hard for terms that best suit your needs such as the closing date.
  1. What are the costs involved in selling my home?

Fees vary depending on the type of property as well as what is negotiated in the sale.

Some costs include:

  •  Escrow Fees
  •  Home Disclosures Fees
  •  Property Inspection Fees
  •  Loan Pay-Off Fees